Can’t We Just Print More Money?



Why are all my clothes made in Asia? How come Im so much richer than my great-great-grandma? And what even is money?Whether youre buying lunch, looking for a job, or applying for a mortgage, the thing we call the economy is going to set the terms. A pity, then, that many of us have no idea how the economy actually works.Thats where this book comes in. The Bank of England is Britains most important financial institution, responsible for printing money, regulating banks and keeping the economy running smoothly. Now, the Banks team take you inside their hallowed halls to explain what economics can – and cant – teach us about the world. Along the way, they offer intriguing examples of econ in action: in financial crises and Freddo prices, growth stages and workers wages. Accessible, authoritative and surprisingly witty, this is a crash course in economics and why it matters.


— Ekonomia i biznes–

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