This monograph was written from the perspective of the demoscene, i.e. users and creators whose interests are focused on the capabilities of the British 8-bit computer ZX Spectrum. The book does not include the official history of the computer, but the local narrative. The authors examine the processes of taking over the western platform, e.g. mass cloning of the hardware. They investigate creative artifacts specific to the ZX Spectrum scene and discuss the computers capabilities for creating graphics, music, demos and games, applying the ethnographic method as well as platform studies and media archeology.The ZX Spectrum Demoscene is an initiative of fundamental importance for the study of the history of digital culture in Central Europe. The authors offer insight into the environment, aesthetics and histories of the platforms assimilation in varying social and historical conditions.Dr hab. Anna Nacher, professor of the Jagiellonian UniversityPiotr Marecki, writer, publisher, translator, digital culture scholar. Associate professor in the Institute of Culture at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, also the head of a creative computing lab. In 201314 he did a postdoc at Massachusetts Institute of Technology at the Trope Tank lab.Yerzmyey, lo-fi artist: demoscener, musician, graphic artist, photographer, writer, creator of the Hooy-Program. Author and co-author of numerous demos, intros, graphics, chiptune songs, interactive fiction, games, collection of photos. He works mostly with ZX Spectrum, but also with Atari and Amiga computers, Commodore 264 series, the Raspberry Pi and many others. Co-author of a creative computing lab at the Jagiellonian University.Robert Hellboy Straka, z80 & x86 programmer, mathematician, AGH UST lecturer. Author and coauthor of several demos, intros and games on the ZX Spectrum. His academic career is linked to advanced numerical methods in science and engineering with emphasis on GPU computations and Lattice Boltzmann Method. AUTOR PIOTR MARECKI, YERZMYEY YERZMYEY, ROBERT HELLBOJ TYTUŁ ZX SPECTRUM DEMOSCENE WYDAWCA WYDAWNICTWO UNIWERSYTETU JAGIELLOŃSKIEGO ROK WYDANIA 2020 OPRAWA OPRAWA ZINTEGROWANA ILOŚĆ STRON 160 EAN 9788323348627 Znajdź podobne według klucza: PIOTR_MARECKI ROBERT_HELLBOJ YERZMYEY_YERZMYEY WYDAWNICTWO_UNIWERSYTETU_JAGIELLOŃSKIEGO (394332)
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