John Wiley & Sons Cancer Prevention And Screening: Concepts, Principles And Controversies



Cancer Prevention and Screening offers physicians and all clinical healthcare professionals a comprehensive, useful source of the latest information on cancer screening and prevention with both a global and a multidisciplinary perspective. * Includes background information on epidemiology, cancer prevention, and cancer screening, for quick reference * Offers the latest information for clinical application of the most recent techniques in prevention and screening of all major and many lesser cancer types * Emphasises the importance of multidisciplinary teamwork in cancer screening * Highlights frequent dilemmas and difficulties encountered during cancer screening * Provides clear-cut clinical strategies for optimal patient education, communication, and compliance with cancer prevention techniquesAutorzy: Jeffrey S. Tobias, Rosalind A. Eeles, Christine D. BergObjętość: 456Oprawa: MiękkaRok wydania: 2018


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