21 Letters on Life and Its Challenges Windmill Books



Charles Handy is one of the giants of contemporary thought. His books on management ? including Understanding Organizations and Gods of Management ? have changed the way we view business. His work on broader issues and trends ? such as Beyond Certainty and The Second Curve ? has changed the way we view society.In his new book, Handy builds on a lifes work to glimpse into the future and see what challenges and opportunities the next generation faces. How will people cope with change in a world where the old certainties no longer apply? What goals will and should they set themselves? How will they find purpose and fulfilment in their lives? Clear-eyed and optimistic by turns, he sets out the questions that everyone needs to ask themselves, and points us in the direction of the answers.


— Pozostałe języki–

umowa zlecenie w polskim ładzie
, ulga dla klasy średniej a koszty uzyskania przychodu
, norweskie linie lotnicze
, gdzie sa opady
, kalkulator wynagrodzenia l4
, jak jest dzień dobry po hiszpańsku
, us na polskie
, viatoll dla osobówek 2021
, art 52 kodeksu pracy wzór wypowiedzenia
, kalendarz świąt kwiecień 2021
, dlaczego w ameryce pojawiła się ludność pochodząca z afryki
, rodzaje monarchii
, co kupić w austrii
, mam do wynajęcia mieszkanie
, w jakim języku mówi się w argentynie
